Join us the afternoon of Saturday, December 28, from 2-5:30pm for community and healing at Luna Center.
Have you noticed frustration or judgment come up, being around your family over the holidays?
Family constellations are a great way to see into, and resolve the deeper patterns in ourselves, and our family systems.
This Family & Systemic Constellation workshop is an opportunity to know yourself and your community more fully and to support the healing capacity and vision of Luna Center.
Family Constellations works at a soul level, and a systems level, to bring truth, love, understanding, and consciousness to our family dynamics.
This embodied experience will be meaningful and deep for all who choose to attend. Each person who attends will walk away with an insight about their own life, their own healing, their own family system - every single time. If you feel called, we’d love for you to join.
if you find yourself drawn to this event - whether you know John and the Luna Center, if you’re reading this online in the days beforehand, or whether you’re walking by and inexplicably feel magnetized to the Luna building for no particular conscious reason, we’d love to have you there.
Through the lens of Constellations, we see that out of love and loyalty to our families, we can sometimes take on energies, patterns, or roles in the family dynamic for ancestors that we haven’t met, or sometimes didn’t even know of. These intergenerational patterns can reflect modes of survival that were useful at some point, but no longer serve us or our families. The chance to observe, understand, and release those patterns in a Family Constellation group workshop can support some of our deepest healing, and can release patterns that we hold that have been holding us back from what we most want in life.
You may be a good fit for this workshop if any of the following feel true for you:
You want to be part of a more loving, connected, and compassionate society
You are taking responsibility for healing in your life, and are willing to look at your own patterns shadows
You have felt like the ‘odd one out’ or a ‘Black Sheep’ in your family
You want to clear traumas from your lineage before passing them on to your children
Family & Systemic Constellations have most often been used to resolve ancestral trauma, but any system can be “Constellated,” including the systems of our communities and lives. Constellations are best for the times where we are aware of some issue or pattern that’s playing out, but we don’t have a clear sense for where it comes from, or what to do about it.
Everyone who attends will have the opportunity to receive some time “in the Field” - a chance to experience a taste of constellation work before we go into the session for John, and to receive some insight about our own systems.
Schedule outline:
1:45-2pm: Arrival & Settling In
2pm: Beginning with embodiment & meditation
2:15pm: Names, Introductions, Intentions
2:30pm: Context & Constellation Intro
2:45pm: Constellation exercises for the group
3:15pm: Group debrief
3:30pm: Short break
3:40pm: Group Constellation for John
5pm: Debrief & sharing
5:30: Close & Departures
Registration is $15, and a sliding scale is possible, no questions asked - please contact Adam. No participants will be turned away for lack of funds, and a portion of proceeds will be donated to support the Luna Center. $10 registration available for those who have been in a Constellation with Adam previously - please look to your email for a discount code.
1 ticket is available to trade in exchange for assisting in the workshop, including room setup & tidying up (1:30pm-6pm).
Participation is limited to 12 people - please RSVP to ensure your spot.
All faiths, beliefs, and personal identities are welcome.
About the facilitator:
Adam grew up in East Lansing, MI and moved to Colorado in 2004. Since then, he has been involved in building communities in Denver, Boulder, and globally. He has an international client practice, traveling between Boulder, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Europe to facilitate Constellation work and to serve people in the deep transitions of their lives.
Adam has founded a variety of non-profit and for-profit organizations, including and not limited to the Society for Financial Awareness (Denver chapter), the Greek Leaders Against Sexual Assault, and Consciousness Hacking Colorado. Before he became a transformative facilitator and End-of-Life Doula, his work in the corporate world saw him managing medical device development, and commercialization strategy for a global portfolio worth hundreds of millions of dollars each year. He has a degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Denver, a Master’s in Engineering Management from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and he completed his Constellation training from US and European teachers in 2022.
His life is built around community and creativity, including Boulder T-group, Authentic Relating, Ecstatic Dance, hospice volunteering, and supporting people through the big transitions in life.
More about Adam and his practice:
About Luna:
Luna is a nonprofit whose mission is to explore, practice, and share the most profound and potent modalities—both ancient and modern—that bring about healing and higher consciousness for ourselves, our communities, and the earth. We envision and also seek to model a way toward a kinder, more harmonious, and more sustainable world in which love and wisdom pave the way to self-realization and inner peace.
Luna’s goals:
To provide a safe and inviting environment for spiritual, personal, and professional growth.
To welcome all people—regardless of race, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs—to our serene setting with gracious hospitality.
To provide life-affirming workshops, classes, and intensive retreats for the healing of body, mind, and soul.
To be a non-denominational, religious, spiritual, and educational facility that collaborates with other groups—both secular and non-secular—to advance dialogue and deepen trust.
To teach and advocate a healthy diet, sustainability, and eco-consciousness.
To create and use sustainable farming methods to provide organic food for Luna's residents, retreatants, and surrounding community.
To provide non-sectarian and non-political service to people from all walks of life.
To aid and assist the homeless in ways large and small, direct and indirect.
To provide a solid financial footing for Luna to last seven generations into the future.
Luna's Statements of Fundamental Truths
Luna adopted the following ten tenets at its inaugural Board of Directors meeting in January 2022.
Inherent Goodness: Humans are inherently good.
The Golden Rule: As taught in various forms in nearly all religions, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Many Paths: There are a multitude of paths to complete Self Realization and not all of them are organized into a religion. There have also been a multitude of wayshowers throughout history guiding us on the path. They and their teachings are to be honored and cherished.
Service to Others: Of the two paths one can take—Service to Others or Service to Self—Service to Others is the preferred path and the one of true love.
Holy Nature: We hold that Nature is sacred and that the natural cycles of birth, growth, and death hold deep spiritual significance. Our planet and the elements that make it up—earth, fire, air, & water—are to be honored.
Body as Sacred Temple: One’s physical health is of supreme importance. So too must one’s Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual health be nurtured and honored.
Reincarnation & Impermanence: We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. Everything in life is impermanent and always changing. Nothing stays the same. Because nothing is permanent, a life based on possessing things or persons doesn’t make you happy.
Karma: It is the actions we took in the past that have created our present. It is the actions we take now that determine our future.
Forgiveness: The power of forgiveness frees us from our past.
Conduct & Personal Ethics: Strive always for integrity of thought, word, and deed. Honor thy mother and father. Live in harmony with the earth.
Luna is located at 6110 Clark Road, Bath, MI 48808