About Us + Gratitudes
Adam Harvey
Creator & Facilitator
If you’re reading this, I imagine you’re curious. Perhaps you’re considering working with me, or signing up for a workshop. Maybe a friend sent you this website. Whatever brought you here, thanks for exploring together.
Throughout my life, I’ve been a very curious person. And as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to help people. I’ve also had a calling to work on the edges of life and death - from volunteering for a suicide support hotline in high school, to working on developing technology that saves people’s lives in the Intensive Care Unit, to volunteering in Hospice.
I graduated from the Cognitive Neuroscience program at the University of Denver with a primary question of “why do humans do what they do? How do we make decisions and what really motivates us?” Psychology fascinated me, and was my first major, and I found a draw to the harder sciences to explain why - eventually earning degrees in Psychology and Biology, with minors in Chemistry, Physics, and Business, because I always imagined that entrepreneurship was how I could express my creative ideas.
In particular, I unexpectedly fell in love with physics - the idea that there were patterns to the way the universe behaves, and we could understand these patterns, and then build and create using the Natural Laws of the universe.
My corporate career oriented toward the development and commercialization of high tech medical devices, and I served in a global role, often working with 5 continents in a week and traveling around the world to learn from people and build relationships. I earned a graduate degree in Engineering Management from the University of Colorado - Boulder, and found meaning in metaphorically building bridges - between business people and engineers, our headquarters in the US and offices worldwide, in corporate partnerships I managed between billion dollar companies, between theoretical understanding and applied science. I’m lucky to have led Consciousness Hacking Colorado as well, connecting people at the intersection of technology, meditation, psychedelics, and spirituality as the first Executive Director. You can find out more about my professional life on my LinkedIn profile.
And - the most significant work I’ve done to prepare to hold others in their deepest moments is the inner growth journey I take myself. Learning to meet myself in a way that enables deep transformational change in my own life - the emotional and behavioral shifts I’m so grateful to have made, the once-chronic diseases I’ve healed from, my commitment to continue showing up, and to keep finding and working with the best practitioners and facilitators I can find across the globe - this matters far more than all my professional and educational experience.
My soul’s calling on this planet, in this lifetime, is to continue to build bridges - from our bodies to our innate divinity, from wounding to our inherent wholeness, between life and death, the mystical and scientific, the brain and the body, and between our current culture and the more beautiful world that we know is possible.
I trained as a constellation facilitator in 2022, with teachers from the US and Europe, and have facilitated Constellations and workshops around the US (primarily in Colorado and Northern California); and in Puerto Rico, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and France. I founded Awakening Ancestry in 2023 to support people in their deepest transformations of life and death, and to help people become the Ancestors of the more beautiful world they want to see.
Gratitudes 🙏🏼
Deepest gratitude to my ancestors and my lineage. I am the son of my Mom & Dad - Ralph & Cathy Harvey. Descended from my Dad’s parents, Bernard Joy Harvey and Guenn Adams Harvey - my Mom’s parents; my Yiayia and Pappou (in Greek) - George Galanes & Dorothy (Dot) Costarakis Galanes. And to all the ancestors of my Mother’s Mother’s and Mother’s Father; and my Father’s Mother and my Father’s Father - thank you for giving me this life. It’s so beautiful, and I wouldn’t be here without you.
Thank you for your lessons, and what you learned and passed on through your struggles and triumphs. Thank you for your gifts, for everything you had to do to survive, and for the ways you found to thrive in challenging circumstances, war, immigration, and every part of the human experience. Thank you for the sexuality between these Mothers & Fathers that allowed these generations to continue through me.
And thank you so much for how accessible you’ve been when I’ve attempted to make contact with you in service of my healing; for the gifts I’ve inherited through you, for the pain, patterns, and energies I’ve sometimes taken on out of love and loyalty to my family that gave me opportunities for my own healing and for the healing of my ancestral line. Thank you for your support of my capacity to help others connect to their lineage and the gifts of their ancestors.
And thank you to my younger sister, Jennifer Katherine Harvey, on the other side of the veil. For your love, for how you connected me to Death, for the opportunities to heal and feel the grief from your loss. And now, for being a strong and present spirit guide for me.
To all my relations (all Life): Matiox Chawe; Haux Haux; Bassé (deepest gratitude; reverence for the Divine; this is the Truth, and the Truth is all there is)
Thank you to the Teachers, Facilitators, Shamans & Indigenous Wisdom Keepers, and Transformative Groups I’m grateful for: There are more than I could name. In particular, I’m thankful for (in rough chronological order):
The Integral Center: My first Authentic Relating experiences, AR Games and Circling, were held at the Integral Center in Boulder in 2015. Seeds were planted here than held the roots of the rest of my transformative experiences. Thanks, Robert MacNaughton, Ken Wilbur, and those that poured their love and energy into the IC and built a community around practical Integral Theory & Spiral Dynamics.
Ben Saltzman: Ben was my first coach, and my first Enneagram teacher after we met at the Integral Center in 2016. I’ve attended courses and programs of his, and sat on an Enneagram deep-dive panel for his Connection Experience course in 2020.
Psilocybin Mushrooms: I was introduced to mushroom trips in 2006, but a particular journey which I dub “the mushroom trip that upended my life” in 2018, led to a psychedelic-induced manic episode while I was traveling with a partner in the Netherlands. This experience, which could be considered Psychedelic Harm, even if self-induced, initiated a deeper healing journey for me, my path to sobriety, and my re-connection with spirituality after years of relatively devout atheism. I took more than a couple years off any psychedelics after that, and found “other ways in” to altered state experiences, like breathwork. I knew then that my next mushroom trip needed to be “Sacred and Ceremonial,” and I didn’t personally know anyone that even spoke like that back in those days. Mushrooms now hold a dear place in my life, and in my relationship with Death, as they are the natural composters of Earth.
Ecstatic Dance: Rhythm Sanctuary in Denver is an epic, regularly held dance, and I also make a point to try and find ecstatic dances in other cities and countries when I travel. This substance-free practice unites people in community beyond the level of mind; in embodied ways that allow the dance of life to come through us.
Consciousness Hacking Colorado: CoHack originally formed as a Meetup group in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2013. I joined the loosely-affiliated Boulder chapter in 2019, was delighted and inspired by the conversations at my first meeting, and that day Don Dulchinos suggested I produce an event around Neurofeedback, which we did later that year. In February of 2020, we formed a non-profit Board of Directors along with Noami Iverson, Damon Abraham, and Gabriel Sereni. We gained 501c3 status in service of bringing community together around the intersection of technology, meditation, psychedelics, and spirituality. I served as the founding Executive Director from 2020-2023, and in 2023 I became Board Chair, and co-ED with Aaron Gabriel Neyer during the transition to the next generation of leading that group. AG re-focused the organization, rebranded as Woven Web in 2023, and has since filled a new Board of Directors since. I fully resigned in June 2024 after 5+ years volunteering for this non-profit.
Denver and Boulder T Group: I joined the Denver T Group (group relational meditation practice) in December 2018, and the Boulder T Group in February 2019. This practice gave me the chance to really understand my feelings, and become the foundation of my community. I regularly participate, host, facilitate, and love teaching the intro/newbie group.
Ann DeSutter, who facilitated my first Tantra Speed Date in January 2019, well before I got to know her, and has supported me in Shamanic work over the last couple years.
Gurpreet Gill: Is a powerful, grounded, deep, incredibly skilled, and humorous facilitator. The breathwork ceremony in 2019 that introduced me to the concept of ancestral healing, is the session that I attribute to my spiritual awakening. And thanks to the energy that held that group, The Starhouse in Boulder, where I’m now a Temple Keeper. I’ve done group sessions, private sessions, and retreats with Gurpreet - and a private session at her moutaintop retreat, days after leaving my corporate career in 2020, was the inspiration for me to become a death doula. She is the first transformative facilitator I worked with, and after traveling around the world to work with some of the best facilitators on the planet, I can see how blessed I am to have met her early in my journey.
Abraham Hicks: I was introduced to Abraham Hicks in 2019. I attended a workshop with Abraham / Ester Hicks in Denver in 2019, and I‘ve listened to their speaking on YouTube for perhaps enough hours to fill weeks worth of my life. It would be difficult to overstate the importance of Abraham’s teachings in my own evolution.
Kraye Grymonnt: Kraye has an incredible capacity to see through people and their patterns, and to help them find a way out of the “character” structure - where people mistake their personality for the restrictions they put on their life. I attended a workshop he did over a weekend in September 2019, and practiced Dojo with him and a group for some years after. His teachings and coaching, while often confronting for me, have helped me find greater liberation and choice in my own life, and the lives of many of my friends and community.
Claudia Nanino: Breathwork, Cacao, Crystals, and some of my early transformative group experiences were with Claudia. I brought my parents to a private Cacao & Breathwork ceremony with her in 2019 and I’m inspired by her and the way she builds her practice.
Michaela Winters: Michaela and I met in August 2019, and I felt a level of resonance that I know to be from meeting my Soul Family. She helped me find deeper layers of myself, and introduced me to medicine work. Michaela is a powerful creator, medicine woman, facilitator, practitioner, and event producer. She produced TantraFest in January 2024, the first place I facilitated Constellation work in a container that held Sacred Sexuality.
Tobya Negash / Okapi: Okapi is the first shaman I worked with. She facilitated my soul retrieval sessions, which took around 10 sessions over 2 years, given her living in Italy (at the magical Damanhur) and odd travel restrictions those days. I’ve also been through a variety of her courses, including Awakening Paranormal Abilities & Communication with ETs, Astral Traveling, and Introduction to Peruvian Shamanism. In 2023, she hosted me in Vidracco, Italy, where she was living at Damanhur and we hosted some family & systemic constellations, including bringing in the wisdom of ETs / Star Family.
Jeffery A Martin: Author of The Finders, Jeffery’s work in researching and teaching on Persistent Non-Dual Experience (aka Fudamental Wellbeing) helped me understand what in the heavens happened to me in that breathwork session with Gurpreet in 2019. Jeffery was surprisingly responsive to my questions, and in 2020 I joined the Explorer’s Program, the Exemplar Program, and then tried out his 45 Days to Awakening meditation course. Jeffery was also instrumental in the creation of Consciousness Hacking and Transformative Technology globally, and when he and I first met in person in Puerto Rico in 2023, his guidance helped me see what I needed to do to pass on the torch for the next generation of leadership in Consciousness Hacking Colorado.
Raven: The first medicine man I worked with, and the first person to serve me Kambo. He organized and co-facilitated my first sacred ceremony (in June of 2020) and in this weeklong retreat, I found the courage to leave my cushy corporate job knowing my soul wanted something different, and without knowing what it was.
Tat Erick Gonzales: Tata Erick introduced me to Mayan ceremonies and a beauty way, and is a Wisdom Keeper for various Indigenous & Native American groups in North and Central America. He stewards the land that held my first medicine ceremony, in Deer Mountain, California, and also has a retreat center in Guatemala. He co-created and and holds the non-profit Earth People’s United.
Kambo: Phillomedusa Bicolor, the Kambo frog from the Amazon, that has been part of some of my deepest physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Called “The Warrior’s Cleanse,” Kambo has helped me heal from autoimmune conditions, the impacts of prescription drugs and non-prescription drug and alcohol abuse, candida overgrowth, as well as general anxiety, restlessness, and overwhelm. After receiving multiple rounds of 3-session series, I’ve come to learn that ~2 Kambo sessions per year helps keep me healthy and balanced
Jack Blackwell: Jack facilitated the first constellation I ever took part in, in September 2020; and also my first focus client spot in May 2021. Later in 2021, he facilitated one I represented in, the first I saw my Star Family (e.g. the Arcturians) in the constellation Field. It was in that experience I knew I wanted to train with him as soon as possible, so I signed up for his next constellation facilitator training which began in June 2022 (The Mastery Program). I joined him again for NEXT Level, in 2024.
Elizabeth Lynn Rohr: Elizabeth was a TA in Jack’s training program, and created the event that held my first real, live Family Constellation Focus client in December 2023. Since then, she’s been a supervisor and a mentor to me, and together we steward the Colorado Constellation Collaborative. She loves to host Equine-supported Constellations, and I refer clients, friends, and loved ones to her regularly.
Clinton Callahan: His “Possibility Management” framework, in particular Conscious Feelings Practice, has been instrumental in my life. Clinton is the only person on this list I haven’t worked with directly and in-person, yet his website inspired what you’re reading right now.
Vee: Introduced me to Iboga in 2022, the medicine ceremony that I most directly attribute to my capacity to actually heal from patterns around Bipolar Disorder. Since then I’ve been living healthy without prescription medication, which held a place in my life every day from childhood through my mid-30’s. Vee has held my biggest experiential teachings around non-duality, the weaving of Spirit and Matter, and stepping fully into creation in my life.
Iboga: Immense gratitude to the spirit of Iboga, to the Bwiti people (the spiritual system based on intelligence of our planet) in West Africa; to the Pygmy people; and to the first Iboga shaman, the Porcupine. This 30+ hour journey, likened to an extended Near Death Experience (NDE) is great for looking at my patterns in life, and for connecting to the Ancestral realm. Iboga helps me root into my body, and into the Earth; helps me trust Life and myself more, as well as finding more comfort in the unknown.
Stephan Hausner: I attended “Art of facilitation” masterclass through the Bert Hellinger Instituut Nederland, in Elsepet, Netherlands in October 2022, which was my first in-person constellation experience after finding this methodology during a pandemic. Stephan is the author of Even if it Costs me my Life, one of the most well-known books about systemic & family constellation work. I appreciate the pacing of his constellations, and he gave many golden nuggets in this workshop - including “It’s all one system, ja?” (On some level, we’re all part of the same system in this universe, yes?)
Bufo: 5MeO-DMT, the most powerful psychedelic on Earth, comes in its natural form from the secretions of the Sonoran Desert Toad. This potent medicine is short in duration, but goes quickly into the timeless, and the place beyond life and death, where I’m just part of the creative consciousness that births galaxies. I would only try this medicine with a facilitator who has devoted their life to serving Bufo.
Ricki Silber: Ricki was my first co-teacher in Constellation work, and together we created the first constellation course I’ve facilitated, ‘Belonging’ that ran for 4 weeks, in July 2023. I’ve received constellation sessions from her personally, and I refer clients, friends, and loved ones to her frequently. She is also an ecopsychologist, facilitates mostly online, and runs Awake Theta Healing.
ISTA: World-class Sacred Sexuality trainings & retreats. Triambika Vive, Niten Dyhen, Federica Clemente, Robbie Griffin, and Asis Aviv from my ISTA 1 in Cyprus in February 2023. Rex Rafiq, Niten, Dawn Cherie, and all the assistants & participants from Level 2 in Portugal, April 2024.
Huni Kuin & Ayahuasca: The Huni Kuin people come from the Amazon, and hold incredible wisdom and relationship with the Earth. After years of feeling called by Grandmother Ayahuasca, my first opportunities to sit with this master plant teacher came in 2023, first with Tuwê Inu Bakê, in March 2023 (including Kambo) and then again with Yawa Bane, in November 2023. Haux Haux.
Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society: John & Kristin at Shamanic Dearmoring (April 2023) - one of the most transformative experiences from, as you can tell, a long list of them. Karen & the team at Quodoushka 1 in December 2023.
Light Dark Institute: Tani & Leslie held a deep, energetically clean, and high-integrity ceremonial container for our Level 1 group in May 2023.
Rick Smith: I attended Rick’s “The Art & Heart of Facilitation” program in July 2023. His capacity to lead with his authentic heart and his facilitation teaching is world-class. He’s the author of the book Conscious Classroom Management and holds a really lovely group Field.
Barry Krost: Barry taught an advanced constellation facilitator training in 2024 focused on Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder. Barry is quite knowledgable in the Field of constellations and the history of the practice, and learning from him about the concept of “paradoxical entanglements” helped me see how to work through some of the most complex distress that humans experience.
INELDA: Nicole Heidbreder led my International End-of-Life Doula Association training in February 2024. She studied with Thich Nhat Hanh, and founded the Washington, DC Death Cafe.
Karin Dremel: Karin and I met at the Constellators International conference & retreat in Malta in April 2024, and found out we live just minutes from each other in Boulder. She facilitated the first in-person group constellation I received, although I had facilitated many by that point. Karin is a systemic constellation facilitator, traumatologist, and an artist.
Betsy Bergstrom: Betsy taught my Compassionate Depossession course in May 2024, and Curse & Thoughtform Unraveling in August 2024. Betsy has taught Shamanic work for over 35 years, and I experience her as kind, powerful, and masterful in her work.
*If you’re mentioned here and would like something updated, please let me know!
Karaya Díaz
Operations Assistant (occasional)
Karaya was Awakening Ancestry’s first contracted hire in August 2023, and she is now actively building her therapy practice as she prepares to graduate from Naropa. She’s reduced her hours with Awakening Ancestry in order to serve her own clients, and pursue her clinical hours for her licensure.
Karaya has served in the realms of administration, education, customer service, marketing, event production, and mental health services. At the core of my background is an intention to craft meaningful experiences, and to support individuals as they cultivate their business entities, soul projects, and their personal and professional development.
Awakening Ancestry is a trade name registered in Colorado in 2023 under T.A. Harvey Consulting, LLC (formed in 2012)
Awakening Ancestry will hire for Karaya’s replacement, in late 2024 or early 2025.
If you desire to work for Adam, you’re welcome to look through this website and send a message with everything you’d change (or a few key highlights) and why you’d make those changes.
5-10 hours / week, flexible schedule as Adam’s assistant - operations, marketing, minimal direct client contact. Pay starts at $22 / hr. If you want to be paid more than that, perhaps you’re more a collaborator than an assistant. Please reach out however you feel inspired.